Rabu, 14 April 2010

My Future Plan

Over my life time I would like to achieve many things, but there are two things that I would like to accomplish, that is pass this semester nicely and buy a dog for my house.

To pass this semester with good mark is not an easy thing. I would need more weeks to complete the schedule. There are still many assignments that I have to be done, and also so many quiz and progress tests. I wouldn’t see that that is a challenge for me, but that is a grace I think. So, I will do all the assignments and tests properly to get a good mark and can pass this semester nicely.

Now about the dog, I really love dog since I was younger. So when my second house is done completely, I want to buy a dog as a friend and also it can guard my house. I plan this since when I was in senior high school, but It hasn’t complete yet because my house now is too small and there are many fowls around my house, so I can’t keep a dog in my environment this now. Exactly, I’m going to have a dog soon enough! Hahaa…

By those future plans, I believe that I will make my own good living for my family and everyone. That’s my future plans.

Monday is a lazy day? I don't thing so....

Now, I want to talk about my habitual activity especially for Monday. I was thinking that Monday is a boring day! Because I had full schedule in Monday, but in this semester I wouldn’t say that.

On Monday I only have one lecture that is Structure. So, in Sunday I don’t think to wake up early and so on. When Monday comes, I don’t need to wake up early because my class begins in 11 o’clock. I usually wake up on 7 or 9 o’clock in Monday. If that is no assignment at all, I spend my time with online and open my facebook for a couple times. After I open my account, then I spend my time by play games in my computer and also listening to music. I can spend a lot of time by doing those activities.

After that, it’s time to me to take bath and clean my entire body. It takes fifteen minutes to take a bath. Then, I dry my body and ready for clothing. After I wear my cloth, I warm up my motorcycle before I use it. While my motorcycle is warmed up, I use my shoes and ready to go to my college.

The class ends in 13.30 p.m. in the afternoon. I usually take my time to have lunch with my friends in a food stall near my college. After that, I go home and wait until 4.00 p.m. to pick up my mother.

When the evening comes, I have my lunch and spend my time with many things, I often spend my evening by watch Opera Van Java. If there as an assignment, I try to do it after I watch OVJ. After that, I take a bath and turn up my computer and open my account again. Then I brush my teeth and ready for tomorrow. That is my activities that I do on Monday..

hahahaa.... that was so embarrasing!!

That day was a bright day. I spent my time with my friends to go to Plaza Ambarukmo, just to look around and had lunch. We went there by motorcycle. After we got there, we walked from parking lot to sport station. In sport station, there were many casual shoes, I love casual shoes because the type and pattern is very simple, that’s why I like it. I didn’t buy any but just only imagined that they would be mine.

After we spent some minutes in sport station, then we went to Gramedia book store. There, we just read 1 or 2 books to refresh our mind. We also didn’t buy any books, because our money didn’t enough to buy them.

Read some books had made me tired, even my stomach was getting hungry. After that, we continue to take a walked to upstairs. Finally we were going to have our lunch in food court.

After lunch, we moved to other shops. When we passed Manhattan, I gave my time on it to admire some car miniatures because I do love car miniatures. That was really awesome for me! Moreover, I just imagined that they would be mine. Then, I suddenly asked my friend behind me by called his name and poked him to ask his opinion about those cars. After that, he turned his head until I realized that he wasn’t my friend. He was somebody that was talking to his friend face to face. I realized that I wasn’t in my group anymore. Then I said sorry to the man and I was really embarrassing moment.

After that, I found my friends again and told them about what had just happened to me. Then all of my friends were laughing together and I was really ashame..

Rabu, 10 Maret 2010

Scramble Egg Is Easy

In this wet Wednesday evening, I try to write the process of making a Scramble Egg, in Indonesia we call it as (Telur Orak-Arik). So whenever you are hungry, you can try to make this food by yourself, it’s easy actually. You can eat it with rice or without rice, just up to you.

Basically, to make soft Scramble Egg, you need to add 1 tablespoon of cream/milk for each egg. Then mix it together, and don’t shake the egg too long to make the egg soft when fried. That’s the important thing that you should pay attention.

First of all, we prepare the equipment that we needed to make this food. We just need frying pan, some eggs, carton milk/cream, salt, pepper, egg yolk, small bowl and spatula.

After everything is prepared, now it is time to break the egg and put it into the small bowl, don’t forget to add the carton milk/cream into the egg. If you want the taste is more delicious, you can also add pepper or salt as enough as possible. Then, stir it well by using the egg yolk till it is totally mixed.

Now, it’s time to fry the mixed egg. To fry the egg, we put 1 tablespoon of butter/oil in frying pan with medium heat. After the butter melt and warm enough, pour the mixed egg into the frying pan.

After the egg become a bit solid, then that’s your time to stir the egg over and over again randomly but also to keep slow while you are stirring, and don’t forget to keep stirring to avoid the egg become over frying. Stir it with the spatula, and please don’t use any metal equipment when you want to stir something in frying pan especially Teflon, because it can scratch the upper layer. Finally, you need more less (5-8 minutes) to scramble the egg then remove the frying pan from the stove and ready to serve while it is still warm.

Easy, isn’t it? You can try this at home by yourself. When you are hungry, it would be better if you make your time to cook this food. Well, have a nice cooking everyone…!

Selasa, 02 Maret 2010

Who Is She?? Really??

This chance I want to describe the lecturer that I like most. I want to write the clues about the lecturer physical appearances and also the adjectives. Please give your comment about it and it is better if you try to guess who the lecturer is. So, please guess it. Here the clues are:

The lecturer is a female actually. I met her in the first day I joined this lecture, and I haven’t met her yet in semester one before. I think she is a kind of funny person, that’s not about the way she makes a joke but physically she looks funny. She has a plump body, quite overweight but not really. That’s why when she is teaching us, she is getting little bit sweaty especially on her armpit (should I put the name of that part??) hahaa.. It doesn’t matter actually, even though I still like her a lot.

She has a quite small round face with small cute couple eyes that always cover by the clean square glasses. She also has dimples on her cheeks when she shows her small simple sweet smile with her teeth that orderly arranged. I always smile when she is smiling by something; it’s kind of felt so glad when I see her smile (how romantic!!). She also has white complexion. That’s why I say that she is a nice looking woman.

She usually carries her back pack and on it there is something written says “English?? ELTI”. The color of her back pack is black. Inside her back pack there are many handouts and assignments that she has to give to us when the class begins. Oh, I almost forgot something; she has a small funny pencil case shaped like jeans, can you imagine that? Just like your jeans but it’s very little, the length is about 17 centimeters. Funny isn’t it? hehee..

She is a patience woman. She never gets angry during the class, although sometimes my friend and I make some annoyance in the class, but she only warns us to be quiet. She is also fluent in English and never get nervous when talk to us, and I also like the way she talks especially her accent.

Well, there are some clues that I give to you and I hope you can guess who the lecturer that I like most is. I hope without the name of the lecture you can match the clues properly. So, have a nice guessing, friends…

Rabu, 24 Februari 2010

There is a place in Sadhar that makes me feel chilly and also snug when I walk in. The place is surrounding a field. When you walk there, you’ll feel the wind blows softly into your face, even your single hair can feel the touch of the wind. Yet, you cannot through the place by motorcycle, because it is not allow to riding a motorcycle there. You can only through this place by foot.

The ground of this place is covered by con-block, so don’t be afraid to dust when you walk together with your friends. Along this place, there are many big trees that orderly arranged and some small little cement seats under those trees, some university students using it properly to have a conversation or even to do their assignments. That’s why this place is so breezy and cozy when we walk or stay in. Although it is breezy, but be careful, sometimes when you are walking, you’ll be a little bit surprise because there is something fall into you head and perhaps that can make you’ve got a bit injured. That thing is a kind of hard solid wood that covering the fruit of those trees. Yet, don’t worry, it is just rarely fall to the ground.

When you want to go to Library, I know that you usually through this area by foot of course, and you have to! By that, I hope that you can feel what I feel when you are walking in this place. So, feel it……

Senin, 15 Februari 2010

This time I want to discribe my favourite thing. I have this thing since I was in 2nd grade in Senior High School. Actually, I bought it by my sister in Singapore, because the price is cheaper than in Indonesia at that time. I was so glad to keep it.

That is my HP. Physicly, it looks quite old than the new one. Some of the keypade are getting blur. When we touch the back, it is so smooth, because it made by stainless steel. Sometimes I get a shock when it connect to computer or PC while I hold it. it’s just a little shock actually. The cover sometimes feels warm even cold, it depens on using. If I’m use it many times and too long, It could feels warm and also make the battery low fast. Unfortunately, the bottom screen there is a small scratch that I’ve made. It was in my pocket then my thigh hit the hard cement tip when I was in “Ancol Blogo Bridge”. That’s very ashame. Although the screen is little bit scratch, the display of the screen is still beautiful and bright, the colour keeps brighten my day.

Whatever it takes, I never sell out my beloved HP. There are many memories on it, so I can’t let it go away. Although I buy a brand new, I’ll still keep this on.

Selasa, 09 Februari 2010

I was born in 1990 in my hometown Yogyakarta. 29 November, that’s my date of birth. I was born in Polyclinik named Sang Timur. Just near from my beloved house, moreless needs 2 minutes to reach it by motorcycle.

My parents give me a short simply name but also meaningful. I was born when my father though a history of Australia to his students in Senior High School, so in my name “tra” is for Australia. Unfortunately, when I asked my Mom, she forgot the meaning of the word “caris”. I’m sure there’s going to be another great meaning behind the word “caris”. Perhaps someday I will know what the meaning is.

The most my favourite hobby is swimming. When I was child, I joined a swimming club for 6 years. I joined the swimming club since I was in 1st grade until 6th grade in Elementary School. I didn’t join the club for competition, the most important reason was to disappear my asthma. That’s why I like swimming a lot.