Rabu, 14 April 2010

hahahaa.... that was so embarrasing!!

That day was a bright day. I spent my time with my friends to go to Plaza Ambarukmo, just to look around and had lunch. We went there by motorcycle. After we got there, we walked from parking lot to sport station. In sport station, there were many casual shoes, I love casual shoes because the type and pattern is very simple, that’s why I like it. I didn’t buy any but just only imagined that they would be mine.

After we spent some minutes in sport station, then we went to Gramedia book store. There, we just read 1 or 2 books to refresh our mind. We also didn’t buy any books, because our money didn’t enough to buy them.

Read some books had made me tired, even my stomach was getting hungry. After that, we continue to take a walked to upstairs. Finally we were going to have our lunch in food court.

After lunch, we moved to other shops. When we passed Manhattan, I gave my time on it to admire some car miniatures because I do love car miniatures. That was really awesome for me! Moreover, I just imagined that they would be mine. Then, I suddenly asked my friend behind me by called his name and poked him to ask his opinion about those cars. After that, he turned his head until I realized that he wasn’t my friend. He was somebody that was talking to his friend face to face. I realized that I wasn’t in my group anymore. Then I said sorry to the man and I was really embarrassing moment.

After that, I found my friends again and told them about what had just happened to me. Then all of my friends were laughing together and I was really ashame..

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