Selasa, 09 Februari 2010

I was born in 1990 in my hometown Yogyakarta. 29 November, that’s my date of birth. I was born in Polyclinik named Sang Timur. Just near from my beloved house, moreless needs 2 minutes to reach it by motorcycle.

My parents give me a short simply name but also meaningful. I was born when my father though a history of Australia to his students in Senior High School, so in my name “tra” is for Australia. Unfortunately, when I asked my Mom, she forgot the meaning of the word “caris”. I’m sure there’s going to be another great meaning behind the word “caris”. Perhaps someday I will know what the meaning is.

The most my favourite hobby is swimming. When I was child, I joined a swimming club for 6 years. I joined the swimming club since I was in 1st grade until 6th grade in Elementary School. I didn’t join the club for competition, the most important reason was to disappear my asthma. That’s why I like swimming a lot.

13 komentar:

Phita mengatakan... must be an expert in swim right?? hehehee

o ya..if you've found the meaning of caris..please tell me ok??..

nice post..

Dii's blog mengatakan...

Let's swimming again bob!


Mutiara mengatakan...

I have asthma too, but I can swim.
by the way, nice share :)

GabRieeL mengatakan...

hm, Nicko.. i think you made a mistake when u wrote "Elementary School" in yours, u should write "elementary school". When u use capital letter, it must be followed by the name.

and about your name, i'm sure that your parents gave meaningful name.

Paskalis mengatakan...

nick, V2 of teach is taught :D be careful on S-V agreement hehe
look at me, i am a teacher :)

Lucia Nino Widiasmoro Dewati mengatakan...

Hi there!

haha. . .ur written. .It's just like u. ..
Please don't forget the capital letter. .ok!?

Keep writing!
Don't forget to comment my post, bro! haha. .

Hendrika's paragraph writing mengatakan...

nice paragraaaphhssss.....
: )

gregorius in paragraph writing mengatakan...

well, you wrote good paragraphs. i know that we are still learning, so it's not a problem if u made mistakes.
i found some mistakes in yours, such as: the V2 of give is gave, and the V2 of teach is taught, not though. hehe mengatakan...

" father though a history..." What does it mean?

Nice paragraphs...

nana nini mengatakan...

hiiii niiick ! :D

yeah, I agree with your comments, friends ;)
I won't give any correction :p

don't worry about the mistakes, we're still learning :)

btw, muti, do you mean "i can't swim" ? hhe..

ok then. please give your comment in my post, hehehe..

nana nini mengatakan...

oops, nick. the word Polyclinik, it should be polyclinic, isn't it? :D

Soniiia mengatakan...

nice post^^

Maria Evita Sari mengatakan...

you're older than me,aren't you???

I wiLL caLL you "MAS"...

It will be more polite.