Senin, 15 Februari 2010

This time I want to discribe my favourite thing. I have this thing since I was in 2nd grade in Senior High School. Actually, I bought it by my sister in Singapore, because the price is cheaper than in Indonesia at that time. I was so glad to keep it.

That is my HP. Physicly, it looks quite old than the new one. Some of the keypade are getting blur. When we touch the back, it is so smooth, because it made by stainless steel. Sometimes I get a shock when it connect to computer or PC while I hold it. it’s just a little shock actually. The cover sometimes feels warm even cold, it depens on using. If I’m use it many times and too long, It could feels warm and also make the battery low fast. Unfortunately, the bottom screen there is a small scratch that I’ve made. It was in my pocket then my thigh hit the hard cement tip when I was in “Ancol Blogo Bridge”. That’s very ashame. Although the screen is little bit scratch, the display of the screen is still beautiful and bright, the colour keeps brighten my day.

Whatever it takes, I never sell out my beloved HP. There are many memories on it, so I can’t let it go away. Although I buy a brand new, I’ll still keep this on.

7 komentar:

Lucia Nino Widiasmoro Dewati mengatakan...

Hi Bro~~~

First Line on ur 1st Paragraph. .
Did you mean ===> Describe??

Hohoho. . .
Keep Writing Bro!!!

I've already posted my Post to my Blog. .
Please check it out and leave me ur comment. .
Whether my post is too Long or something??
hahahaaa. . .

Thanks Bro!

See You soon!!

Paskalis mengatakan...

bob, i found some mistakes, but it's okay, i'll tell you later :D
actually it's a good writing hehe keep on writing!

Soniiia mengatakan...

nicccoooooo. . . .^^
"Some of the keypade are getting blur."
keypade? ? ? ? >>>>>KEYPADS? ? ? ?

"The cover sometimes feels warm even cold, it depens on using."

hmmm. . .good writing ;)

Phita mengatakan...

hehey...take a look at your last paragraph ndrong..

nice post..^^

shin mazinger mengatakan...

aaa poor milan...

Hendrika's paragraph writing mengatakan...

"because the price is cheaper"..
it would be better if U wrote "because the price was cheaper"..
dn't forget to comment my post ^_^..

Maria Evita Sari mengatakan...

in par 2 line 6 >>.
It could feel.......
It didn't : It could feels...
because,, Modal + Verb 1..........